01 January 2010 // 6:03 AM
Wooah!!. =D. Another year had passed wit mixtures of vivid days and even melancholy times...I say, THANK YOU and GOOD BYE 2009...CHEERS for a HAPPY 2010!!. :D. Looking forward to tons of adventurous, exciting wit full of secrets and loaded of laughters...hahahaa!. Oh, right, just celebrated NEW YEAR wit my loving, cool family and wit my bestfriends...Soo, here's what happened...While my parents were preparing everything, I went out to check on my buddies for a while...
We talked and just like the usual stuff we do; every Christmas and New year we would dress-up and agree for our meet-up before midnight...LOL!!. ;))))). After deciding, we got back to our own homes...So, I joined my parents and helped 'em:] In between, my <3, my chums, && I still managed for a BUZZ either through landline or our cellphone...'Twas like more than an hour...HAHA!!. Then I opened my so-called "lappy'pop" and checked my kewl sites...Yet it didn't take too long ;). When it's done, I got ready to don my red, lovely dress and matched it wit a clear, white half-jacket [[Jewels-TY mUm:)]]. I also wore my grey, stiletto booties[[courtesy of my papuuuh:)<3]]. When all of us were ready, my papuuuh and I set the fountains and poppy crackers outside:) Afterwards, my friends just arrived; we took some pix and had some FUN.FUN.FUN!!. Ooh yeaa!. So when the clock pings, wherein it's time to light-up those fountains...The entire fam went out to gaze @ the sky and watched how we did the fireworks thingies while saying HAPPY NEW YEAR!!. Then, got oodles of videos and captured very striking moments =D=D=D Once again, HAPPY 2010 to yah'LL!!. :) :).