08 May 2011 // 12:53 AM

HAPPY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MOM! :"> It's your day so it's time to hit the floor! It's all yours.. Heheehee. I am so grateful to have you as my mother, just so you know because although I may have my shortcomings, you are ALWAYS present to give your all to me; to understand, encourage, help and support me in a lot of ways. You NEVER get tired when it comes to me and that.. makes me... cry :'( *muffled emotions* That's why I wanna say I am SORRY for being such a moody bitch.. for not treating you right at times :'( I don't wanna end our lives w regrets. I mean, who want to, right? I feel sorry, really... Especially for taking you for granted but I want you to know that I will always try harder. You are the reason mom why I am living on earth, why I still breathe and why I am standing still. Everything I do is for you.. I do it for you, for GOD, and for our family :*) It's my way of making everything up to you. I AIM HIGH. I became STRONG because of you and I wanna be TOUGH AS YOU, MOM. I will never get exhausted on things I pursue because I know that what makes me happy is what makes you happier....... and I wanna tell you that until my last breathe, everything I'm doing and I'll do in the future is FOR YOU. I miss me being w you all the time @ random places doing tons of stuff. I love love LOVE youuuu so much mama!♥ :***
Yes! This one's my granny on mom's side :) She is my ever favorite grandma! So happy mother's day lola mommy! Guess what? You raised my mom very well and look what she had became.. A SMART beautiful stunning woman; a good daughter, responsible oldest sister, loving wife, wonderful mother, awesome bestfriend and thoughtful friend :D She's so cool and hot! Haha! I love you both so much! Dear God, please guide us always. Give them more strength in order to live. Please take care of us. THANK YOU SO MUCH!♥♥ :D:D
Labels: happy mother's day 2011