24 February 2010 // 5:37 AM
Ohh, well. Here's the scoop for this week...As usual, a lot of funny and crazy-sh*tty things had happened and I can't get enough of it anymore:))). Soo, enough for that. hahaa!. :). As if I can...I'm unstoppable, sarry. HAHA!!. uhmmm* okaaay, 'twas a straight TiRiN' yet wonderful week, well, a month actually...oOohh...let me show you--->
*We, the volleyball girls, have been to a massive and enjoyable practice. -- UGHH!!. Lots'aa FUN.exhaustin'.FUN.&&.FUN moments. hahaa!. That's o'raaayt. We can see the improvement, though :D. We're currently torturing ourselves for the sake of our team. The Theresian meet is commin' && I CAN'T wait no more :).
*oodles of quizzbles [[long test && pop'quizzes]]. UGHH!!. HAHA!!. Then, 1week left before our examination...We're graduatin' soo, we must take the exams early :) :). *soo KiCKY*
**yowwh!!. don't you know how crazy was that. I mean, hahaa!. 'twas like fast forward scenes LOL!!.
Labels: weekends
19 February 2010 // 5:26 PM
Yeaap!. Soo, today's my free time...yess!. :))). hmmm...well, i've had a lot of sweet && countless thingies to tell yah'LL guysxxx. HAHA!!. umma feelin' kinda cracky @ this point...uh-huhh. facin' my lappy'pop and chucklin' wit tons of memories inside her heart and mind...
ermm* Last Monday, I had my report 'bout "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri...The AWESOME thingy there is, I DiD it WELL!. HAHA!!. yeaaa!. i do ADMiRE the author and the story itself, really. Then the next day, those 1st-4th placers in our Sports Fest were announced @ the main bldg. in the morning @ 'round 11:30am. The results: 1st- "Green Fighters", 2nd- "Ever-RED-dy, 3rd- Op cOrz, the "YELLOW XTREME" and 4th- "Blue Waves" :))). Congrats guysxxx :D. That's okay if we're in the 3rd place 'cause our members were randomly selected...Ohh, btw, me LiKEY our TROPHY... 'twas all good:D Each member received pressies and a trophy per team...Then, the other days were FUN!. After school we had a volley ball practice for the Theresian Meet this March 4-7. whoooh!!. Another trial for us. hahaa!. Soo, enough for sports :))). Uhmmm...We also had a recitation and a looong quiz in Mapeh. Booyeah!. got a purrfect score...Yeah, only me:))) ShiiZZZ!. oOohh...We planned for a hang-out on Monday wit our teacher, classmates, & the school's director...We'll use our "Starex van" instead of commuting...That will be @ the fort...Yess, it'll be KiCKY and we're goin'ta buy clothes later or tomorrow for that gimmick...We like the formal one...So, yeah. Fashion Diva on the HOOK :P :).Labels: weekends
14 February 2010 // 3:31 AM
Heeeyaa!. A triple YESS for this daaay:))) uh-huhh and I wanna greet yah'LL HAPPEEE HEARTS DAY!!. Pheww!. I'm sooo tired. hahaa!. Know why?. Well, we had a family bondin'. Yeap* a loOong TRiP...First, my parents and I woke up early, 3:30am to be exact...We [[my parents, my cousin, Christian, my granny, & I]] went to Tagaytay...Dropped by first @ the Pink Sisters and had a mass...Lemme show some of our pix there :D.
Then, bought some prayer booklets and other stuff...Afterwards, we ate and stopped by the "Sonya's Garden" in Batangas. Whoah!. that's a long way...Passed through 1.5 kilometers before we got there and BOOM!!. What a beautiful solace...A lot of attractive flowers and juicy fruits...HAHA!!. We'll be comin' back there again this summer vacay...wooo* just waitin' for my gal cousins to arrive ;))))). Labels: TRiP:)
11 February 2010 // 4:41 AM
yess, i'm backkk. YEAAAP!!. extremely RiGHT:D always right...LOL:))) Well, here's a new scoop 'bout my kewl life :]. uhhh...there's a clue up there. hmm?. a'ight, HALT!. soo, we just had our so-called "SPORTS FEST" [[10-12 2, '10]] for the second day...Tomorrow's the last day and my team mates are going to do our BEST...As a TEAM CAPTAiN for the "YELLOW XTREME", yeaa, yowh, that's the name :) i'm always here to support and cheer 'em...HAHA!!. I gasped for breath just to guide the NKP, elementary, and even high schoool!. whoooh!. my throat was roarin' HAHA!!. Umma sooo EXHAUSTED...Being a volleyball player and a team captain's sortaa tough but we aren't goin' to give up...yaaay usss!!.
Just always remember guysxxx ----*WiN *orrr* LOSE we're still the B-E-S-T!!. Soo, yeaa. break-uhh leg...gooo YELLOW XTREME!!. :) :). I'll just give yah'LL some heads up, hmmkay?.
***AAAND YESSS!!. The CHAMPiONSHiP game's OVER. whoooh!. ended-up wit a GLOW on my face. The rankin' 1st-4th will be announced on Monday and all of us are nervous. yeeeheiiiyoo!!. 'Twas a NiCE daaay* HAHA!!. After that, my honey && I went to their place and dropped by to the mall. Beenn there for a RUSH-SHOP [[bought gifts for Valentine's day :).]]. yeah, a QUiCK TURN over there && there and accidentally saw my group mates ;))))). Actually, SPORTS FEST is sooo awesome for me. It gave us some time to mingle 'round wit the other people there. Which is the reason why we are sortaa closer now:) :). I love friendsss. Wanna be one of 'em?. Just be sure that you aren't CHAMELEON :D ;PP. Soo, yeah. good luckkk for the results.
Labels: games*
06 February 2010 // 8:56 PM
Yeah, i'm startin' to like volleyball already...UGHH!!. 5days of trainin' of volleyball varsity and 'twas a whole lot of fun and somewhat achy:))) yeah, my arms are still kindaa unwell but i'll also get used to it...We hafta double time and gooo...The competition will be on the 1st week of March, I think?.
BiG schools will compete there...hahaa!. It'll be good:))) Well, umma update yah'LL soon...Just a whole lot busy in school...You know, we're still edittin' some articles by the other Journal members...Aaaand yess, i'm the editor:D [[the highest rank in our school]].
** ohooow, i'm backkk!!. I'm feelin' OHH-SOO-GOOOD baybeeyy!!. hahhah!!. My arms are okay now...yipeee'yoooo!!. ;))). hmmkay, gUnna rest as of now...
05 February 2010 // 7:57 PM
Ma'am, the chatterbox [[just a code name^^]] said, "Okay, so yah'LL hafta do some research 'bout 16 literary pcs...Then you're goin'ta report it"
Students [[includin' me and my classmates]] : huhh?. whaaaat?!.
Okay. sooo, HELLO!!. we're just seniors...i mean, that's too HARSH...A lot of friggin' thingies annoy me, well, us actually...hahaa!. My report's goin' to be on Monday...So i really hafta budget my time...As of now, we already tackled 9 literary pcs; "Mahabharata", "Ramayana", "Les Miserables", "Don Quixote De La Mancha", "Petrarchan Sonnet", "Our Lady's Juggler", "Where Love is, there God is also", and "If".
SHEEESH!!. * 8 more literary pcs to discuss. eeeerr...Then, that sh*tty THESiS!!. we're only in 4th yr high school. huhh!* ;))).
**Plus, we're goin' to have a recitation on Monday in MAPEH which contains 8 lessons...oh-mii-gaaad* ;))))). Then, a lot of projects T.T but that's okay-though it's not...hmmp* i can do this RiGHT?. YEAA!. Bring itt ONNN!!. HAHA!!. ;P :).
Soo, yeaa. That's for now...wish me luckkk :).
toodles* o5<3:).
24 February 2010 // 5:37 AM
Ohh, well. Here's the scoop for this week...As usual, a lot of funny and crazy-sh*tty things had happened and I can't get enough of it anymore:))). Soo, enough for that. hahaa!. :). As if I can...I'm unstoppable, sarry. HAHA!!. uhmmm* okaaay, 'twas a straight TiRiN' yet wonderful week, well, a month actually...oOohh...let me show you--->
*We, the volleyball girls, have been to a massive and enjoyable practice. -- UGHH!!. Lots'aa FUN.exhaustin'.FUN.&&.FUN moments. hahaa!. That's o'raaayt. We can see the improvement, though :D. We're currently torturing ourselves for the sake of our team. The Theresian meet is commin' && I CAN'T wait no more :).
*oodles of quizzbles [[long test && pop'quizzes]]. UGHH!!. HAHA!!. Then, 1week left before our examination...We're graduatin' soo, we must take the exams early :) :). *soo KiCKY*
**yowwh!!. don't you know how crazy was that. I mean, hahaa!. 'twas like fast forward scenes LOL!!.
Labels: weekends
19 February 2010 // 5:26 PM
Yeaap!. Soo, today's my free time...yess!. :))). hmmm...well, i've had a lot of sweet && countless thingies to tell yah'LL guysxxx. HAHA!!. umma feelin' kinda cracky @ this point...uh-huhh. facin' my lappy'pop and chucklin' wit tons of memories inside her heart and mind...
ermm* Last Monday, I had my report 'bout "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri...The AWESOME thingy there is, I DiD it WELL!. HAHA!!. yeaaa!. i do ADMiRE the author and the story itself, really. Then the next day, those 1st-4th placers in our Sports Fest were announced @ the main bldg. in the morning @ 'round 11:30am. The results: 1st- "Green Fighters", 2nd- "Ever-RED-dy, 3rd- Op cOrz, the "YELLOW XTREME" and 4th- "Blue Waves" :))). Congrats guysxxx :D. That's okay if we're in the 3rd place 'cause our members were randomly selected...Ohh, btw, me LiKEY our TROPHY... 'twas all good:D Each member received pressies and a trophy per team...Then, the other days were FUN!. After school we had a volley ball practice for the Theresian Meet this March 4-7. whoooh!!. Another trial for us. hahaa!. Soo, enough for sports :))). Uhmmm...We also had a recitation and a looong quiz in Mapeh. Booyeah!. got a purrfect score...Yeah, only me:))) ShiiZZZ!. oOohh...We planned for a hang-out on Monday wit our teacher, classmates, & the school's director...We'll use our "Starex van" instead of commuting...That will be @ the fort...Yess, it'll be KiCKY and we're goin'ta buy clothes later or tomorrow for that gimmick...We like the formal one...So, yeah. Fashion Diva on the HOOK :P :).Labels: weekends
14 February 2010 // 3:31 AM
Heeeyaa!. A triple YESS for this daaay:))) uh-huhh and I wanna greet yah'LL HAPPEEE HEARTS DAY!!. Pheww!. I'm sooo tired. hahaa!. Know why?. Well, we had a family bondin'. Yeap* a loOong TRiP...First, my parents and I woke up early, 3:30am to be exact...We [[my parents, my cousin, Christian, my granny, & I]] went to Tagaytay...Dropped by first @ the Pink Sisters and had a mass...Lemme show some of our pix there :D.
Then, bought some prayer booklets and other stuff...Afterwards, we ate and stopped by the "Sonya's Garden" in Batangas. Whoah!. that's a long way...Passed through 1.5 kilometers before we got there and BOOM!!. What a beautiful solace...A lot of attractive flowers and juicy fruits...HAHA!!. We'll be comin' back there again this summer vacay...wooo* just waitin' for my gal cousins to arrive ;))))). Labels: TRiP:)
11 February 2010 // 4:41 AM
yess, i'm backkk. YEAAAP!!. extremely RiGHT:D always right...LOL:))) Well, here's a new scoop 'bout my kewl life :]. uhhh...there's a clue up there. hmm?. a'ight, HALT!. soo, we just had our so-called "SPORTS FEST" [[10-12 2, '10]] for the second day...Tomorrow's the last day and my team mates are going to do our BEST...As a TEAM CAPTAiN for the "YELLOW XTREME", yeaa, yowh, that's the name :) i'm always here to support and cheer 'em...HAHA!!. I gasped for breath just to guide the NKP, elementary, and even high schoool!. whoooh!. my throat was roarin' HAHA!!. Umma sooo EXHAUSTED...Being a volleyball player and a team captain's sortaa tough but we aren't goin' to give up...yaaay usss!!.
Just always remember guysxxx ----*WiN *orrr* LOSE we're still the B-E-S-T!!. Soo, yeaa. break-uhh leg...gooo YELLOW XTREME!!. :) :). I'll just give yah'LL some heads up, hmmkay?.
***AAAND YESSS!!. The CHAMPiONSHiP game's OVER. whoooh!. ended-up wit a GLOW on my face. The rankin' 1st-4th will be announced on Monday and all of us are nervous. yeeeheiiiyoo!!. 'Twas a NiCE daaay* HAHA!!. After that, my honey && I went to their place and dropped by to the mall. Beenn there for a RUSH-SHOP [[bought gifts for Valentine's day :).]]. yeah, a QUiCK TURN over there && there and accidentally saw my group mates ;))))). Actually, SPORTS FEST is sooo awesome for me. It gave us some time to mingle 'round wit the other people there. Which is the reason why we are sortaa closer now:) :). I love friendsss. Wanna be one of 'em?. Just be sure that you aren't CHAMELEON :D ;PP. Soo, yeah. good luckkk for the results.
Labels: games*
06 February 2010 // 8:56 PM
Yeah, i'm startin' to like volleyball already...UGHH!!. 5days of trainin' of volleyball varsity and 'twas a whole lot of fun and somewhat achy:))) yeah, my arms are still kindaa unwell but i'll also get used to it...We hafta double time and gooo...The competition will be on the 1st week of March, I think?.
BiG schools will compete there...hahaa!. It'll be good:))) Well, umma update yah'LL soon...Just a whole lot busy in school...You know, we're still edittin' some articles by the other Journal members...Aaaand yess, i'm the editor:D [[the highest rank in our school]].
** ohooow, i'm backkk!!. I'm feelin' OHH-SOO-GOOOD baybeeyy!!. hahhah!!. My arms are okay now...yipeee'yoooo!!. ;))). hmmkay, gUnna rest as of now...
05 February 2010 // 7:57 PM
Ma'am, the chatterbox [[just a code name^^]] said, "Okay, so yah'LL hafta do some research 'bout 16 literary pcs...Then you're goin'ta report it"
Students [[includin' me and my classmates]] : huhh?. whaaaat?!.
Okay. sooo, HELLO!!. we're just seniors...i mean, that's too HARSH...A lot of friggin' thingies annoy me, well, us actually...hahaa!. My report's goin' to be on Monday...So i really hafta budget my time...As of now, we already tackled 9 literary pcs; "Mahabharata", "Ramayana", "Les Miserables", "Don Quixote De La Mancha", "Petrarchan Sonnet", "Our Lady's Juggler", "Where Love is, there God is also", and "If".
SHEEESH!!. * 8 more literary pcs to discuss. eeeerr...Then, that sh*tty THESiS!!. we're only in 4th yr high school. huhh!* ;))).
**Plus, we're goin' to have a recitation on Monday in MAPEH which contains 8 lessons...oh-mii-gaaad* ;))))). Then, a lot of projects T.T but that's okay-though it's not...hmmp* i can do this RiGHT?. YEAA!. Bring itt ONNN!!. HAHA!!. ;P :).
Soo, yeaa. That's for now...wish me luckkk :).
toodles* o5<3:).
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