31 March 2010 // 3:35 AM
[[3oMARCH ‘1o, Tuesday]]-----*., ^^, yaaay!. Mark/'Tis the/HUGE DAY!.
Yeap! It’s our BIG Day ~* our High School Graduation Day. Along with the other numerous graduating high school students like me, I can proudly say that after four years in secondary school, I successfully hurdled another phase in my formative educational stage of my life. ‘Twas, indeed, a year filled with glaring adventure. I’d say it was a journey with its twists and turns on the sidelights, LOL!.
So, how’s my day, hmmm? I’m up by 9am, had breakfast then fixed my things. The day went smoothly. Luckily, I had time to rest after a sumptuous lunch, hahaha!. By 3pm, my papuuuh, my dear lola mOm [[my granny on my mUm’s side]] && I got in the car and headed to the parlor. In just a ‘lil two hours & my hair & make-up done, my parents arrived who brought my red, white-y tube imported satin cocktail dress which was complemented mid-section with black sash just long enough to make a ribbon at the back and my pair of lovely red shoes [[I remembered that time when we went inside the boutique & my mamuuh saw the dress which the kind store assistant gave us for fitting, I knew that it was the right one. I love it a lot hahaa!. Thanks to my ever so generous parents :)]].
Time-checked and after I donned my dress with the help of my mom and the parlor’s receptionist, we headed on to school, phew!. I had a mixed feeling of emotions that time---excited and also quite anxious, thinkin’ about how the event would turn out that night and partly ‘cause I wouldn’t want to be late. I have to be ready before our processional and for my prayer song as well.
Luckily, we’re just in time when we arrived in school. My mUm and my granny accompanied me along the hallway and helped me fixed my toga while my dad took out the cassette tape & recorder that I’ll be using for my prayer song. I’m also grateful to Ms. Janice, the school registrar who gave me a corsage and a glass of warm water which was really a relief to my almost dry mouth hahaa!. With just a few minutes left before the program, I went to the faculty room where ‘twas quiet so I can vocalize before getting in line with the rest of my classmates…Thanks to those people who supported me…weee…Can’t believe that I already have fans…LOL:)…My prayer song entitled “The Healing”, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFkmq1wV6nY, went well. Thanks to Bro. Bing for the wonderful piano accompaniment and arrangement which he himself recorded for me. Labels: graduation day, happy
27 March 2010 // 5:29 PM
Happy mornin' peopLe!. :D. Sorry guysx it took me more than four days to blog on account of being BUSY, soo MUCH BUSYYY...HAHA. Soo here are the scoops to tell yah'LL:
MONDAY 22March '1o ---*., My mUm and I went malling that afternoon. We talked for a while and watched the people skate on ice. Then, we planned to continue my practice in skatin' this summer wit or without my classy-hawtiie cousins. Well, obviously, our sched will be loaded. Oh, gaaad!!. It's already full, actually, HAAA!. Afterwards, we stopped by to the Nokia section and decided to buy the NEW [[Nokia]] XpressMusic cellphone, touchscreen. As far as I remember, Its unit is N5230 [[if i'm not mistaken huhh:)))]] It's really cool. Then, when we got home, I told my papuuuh 'bout my new thingy and he borrowed my cp. He said that he like it a lot. Soo, we had an agreement: I gave it to him yet he alsoo payed me:))) lol!. Well, that's okay. I'm still INLOVE wit my 't-mobile cellphone' ;))))). It's touch screen && engage style. Much more cool thank Nokia:D Well, I'm excited to have a blackberry cp after our graduation. TEHEEE!. Umma so muchiie excited to graduate. whoopee!. <3* TUESDAY 23March '1o ---*., We took a rest and I got addicted wit a lot of sites:))) Plus, I spent my time wit my bestgirlfriends. HAHA!!. 'Twas a total FUN: too many to mention the thingies that we did. Some crazy stuff:D
FRiDAY 26March '1o ---*., 'I thought, there's a simple thingy that can be useful but turned out to be a TRASH. You deserve it, CHUMP:P' Yeah, you're a chump!. :P. Well, well, well, another yaaay for me. Guess what, i looove being fearless. It's like it's empowering me, a strong force is keeping me on the right path:))) I knew tons of stuff. People squealed. THEY confided on me:) I really like it when all of 'em tip-off. Soo, BULL'S EYE again, honey^^ triple gs, ayhe?. Soo, you think she likes you?. naaah:))) Don't be soo sure, you, jackass. *FEELERRRR* LMAO* XD. SECONDLY, there was a commotion @ 'round 11pm-2am. HAHA!. SHE is a HUGE disturbance in our life, && so to ... hahaa!. she's alsoo a crap. Not a craft but more than a crap:))) yiiieep!. Ohh, almost in hoosegow: meaning: jail. HAHA >;D :P. hey para...., look, your life will be stuck in hoodoo crafts.
TODAY, SUNDAY 28March '1o ---*., So, yeah, today's today. *laughs* ;))))). Woke up early and bathe by 7am. Put my clothes on and do the lappy thingy. horaaay!. My parents and I will be out later. I think, by 9am:d gUnna drop by to church and after the mass i'm goin'ta practice my song. Then, that will be accompanied by Brother Bing. After lunch we'll go shopping again:D <3 Labels: fun., happiness, love, madness
21 March 2010 // 5:36 PM
HAHA. Soo yeah. Today's Monday...Seemingly, I should've made this blog yesterday but my PERFECT LiFE is sooo busy again...ohh, wait...were there really times that I seemed not to be that busy ayhe?. hahaa!. nooooneee:))) GREAT!. lol:D Let's just have a recap 'bout what happened last week...hmmm?. :) :).
**SATURDAY 2oMarch '1o: I was sooo exhausted 'cause of the malling thingy last Friday. hahaa!. Soo, I took a lil' rest despite that it's not enough...Plus, I still went to my bestgirlfriends' place -namely: Ash, Ysabel, Nikki, && Camille...I totally enjoyed being wit 'em. I always want what's the best for 'em. Oh snap!. We were in the middle of somethin' that day...Letter G [[*orrr* lemme just call HER, a BiTCH, hahaa!. Ms GG^^,]] Okay, she was like so much over acting, acting like one of the bitches I knowww:))), she wants to be a star like a boastful and bossy type of person...I didn't like what she's been actin' lately and I feel so sorry for her...I kicked her. As in outtah mah life *'kabooog' as what they say* I was on Ashley's side 'cause I wouldn't let anyone to touch my deary, bestgirlfriend. No one could HURT her!. Same goes wit Edsel and Ysabel. Dare me not:))) Soo what did I do?. @ first I had a casual convy wit her yet she was such a BASTARD thaat I can't keep my blood's temp down. HAHA!!. dayuuumn!. I confronted her in their terrace's house...Her sister was there and I DO NOT GiVE A DAMN if her fam heard what I've said. Oh, gosh!. Don't you know that I love making some scenes:))) That would be classy. hahaa!. 'cause that's the BEST WAY to FACE BiTCHiE COWARDS who hide behind other poeple's skirts:))) Sarry, but I wasn't able to control my voice and their neighbors heard me scolding Ms. GG. That is just a proof that I want all of my BFFS to be safe and that I would protect 'em as much as I can...As long as they/i'm right, umma gunna do wat is JUST. So for those BiTCHES who tried to unnerve me, sorry guys. You should've known me better 'cause umma tell you this 'WHAT YOU SEE iS ONLY HALF OF WHAT YOU GET'. Be careful 'cause every word that I'm mentioning in this blog is true. Simple as this, just ask any one of 'em to know who I really am. *fearless; 'palaban' -- that's what they usually say*
**SUNDAY 21March '1o: Yesterday was a puurfect day for us. HAHA. We've given all of our time to each other. Soo yeah, Yesterday, Sunday, I sneaked out. hahaa!. Got up by 4:30am and knocked the door to wake up our maid. hahaa!. Luckily, she woke up. I prepared and took a bath for an activity wit Ash. We had a jogging moment, yes the two of us only:))) That was FUN!. His dad knows that I'm wit her so he knows that i'm also responsible to take care of Ash. When I wasn't busy, BEFORE: I would just stepped on their gate and tito N would say 'Ui!. Halika, get in'. Same goes wit my fam. It's like, the two parties: Ash's side and mine's the same. We're like an all in one family:))) Soo, I just miss those times. weeee...Yesterday I felt it again. After our joggin', we went to my place and used the laptop then got in Ash's car. Went to RFC and McDo, just drive thru though:))) 'Twas soo fun!. The drinks fell down thrice. HAHA!!. Tito didn't get mad aman ee. hahaa!. Then sooo hayooop. hahaa!. had a lil' party. All of us wore black somethin' wit an eyeliner on that side and there:D. I'm hoping that the G-Force training will push thru this summer. If that's so, i'll be goin' there wit Ash and my cousins. love it!. <3 :). Soo yeah, gottah gooo...Umma check on Ash's place for a while. hahahaa!.
peaceout!. xoxoxo* :)
Labels: girlfriends, gossip, love, weekends
19 March 2010 // 7:06 PM
What happened lately?. Well, it's been a tirin' yet awesome week, surely ;))). Practicin' for our graduation day is really a tedious one...I think, we're goin' later or tomorrow to 'Young Sheperd's School', where I used to have my voice lesson last school year && summer but I'm practicin' on my own, though. (: Soo yeahh, we're gUnna arrange the tune of the song so that it'll be far different from the other copy that I have...Justvto be ORiGiNAl. Don't like mimicing someone nor pretendin' to be someone else...It's GOOD TO dream but DO NOT be an illustionist if you know that it's not goin' to happen at all. You, suckaa!. ;P :D. CAMAN!. Girl, you should be tellin' that to yourself. GET LOSS && FiND YOUR OWN HOBBY:))) Get a life.
Oh well, i have my own LiFE. A BETTER one [[as you can see...]] I'll be graduatin' this March 3o. *whoohooo!* Then i'm about to enter the next level ... The intense && not ordinary world. HAHA. Gonna reveal my fruitful thoughts *s o o n* :D.
Soo, yeah, Yesterday, Fridaaay: 19March '1o My parents, our maid, & I went mallin'. My papuuuh got me a new smart pants and three tees while my mUm bought me a pair of shoes:) Simple but elegant. soo classy. Bought some crazy, cool, && pretty stuff for scrapbookin'. I'll be callin' that scrapbloggin' ;))). Yeah!. My mUm && I decided to watch 'Remember Me' Starring: Robert Pattinson. yeee...love the movie!. So admire itt on the hook!. I love his SMiLE...HAHA!!. I thought @first that it's just a plain and simple story yet in the middle up-to-the end of the flick, I found something more intense. I got iNSANE. hahaa!. More like, 6 drops of tears trickled down on my cheeks:))) The endin' part was Robert Pattinson who played Tyler in the movie, croaked on Sept. 11, 2oo1. OMG!! That was the September 11 tragedy where two planes crashed on the twin towers in NY. A sure devilish, planned act of terrorism where thousand of lives vanished in just one glimpse. Wasn't able to watch it?. Then, I'm sure you won't forget to REMEMBER Tyler [[Robert Pattinson]]...it's a heart-warming flick...must-see <3;]. Labels: family, love., movies
15 March 2010 // 3:29 AM
Yeapp!!. The HELL WEEK had passed and i'm still BUSYYY...HAHA. well, of course umma graduatin' student:))) hmmkaaay, I got home @ 'round 5:10pm from school wit scoops floodin' [[phew!!.]] Guess what, we just had our group singin' practice...So those on the list would be "I'll be alright" by Sarah Geronimo [[tribute for parents]], "I turn to you" [[tribute for teachers]], && "There you'll be" [[our grad. song]]. Additional one track for me...Yeah, i'm goin' to sing ALONE on-stage...*title: Healing by: Denise Williams* As my mates say, they were like 'uiie, gruuubeh, taas ng ka2ntahin m'. hahaa!. yeaaap* i SHALL do my BEST OF BEST for that day. hahaa!. Gunna control nibblin' of sweets, for now ;))))). Soo, ME LiKEY our SCHEDULE tomorrow. why?. 'cause it's goin'ta be 2-5pm' isn't that great?!. :D.
To be added---*., i have followin' appointments on March 17 .&&. 25, 2o1o..HAHA!!. umma NOT GUNNA SPOiL iTT. BLEEEEH!!. :P :). Another yess!. Last night my papuuuh, my kUiAh, and their buddies got to gulp tons of alcoholic beverages. So nice to accompany 'em. hahaa!. I totally HEART my family. 'bout yah?. gonna drop some flashes again (: tke cre. mwuaaahsx... \m/ Labels: happiness, love, sschool days
13 March 2010 // 3:55 PM
Yeaa. I'm backkk. HAHA. got a lot of scoopsx for yah'LL loooveshiesx:))) ohmiigaaad!!. dunno where to begin hahaa!. :). Flashes up again:
*A week had passed again and, yeah, that 'HELL WEEK' absolutely had driven us insane. hahaa!. Well, our exam in Physics was sooo f*ckin' TOUGHHH:))) I know that it'll happen that's why I really studied for 'bout 5hrs just for that subject. Though it deprived me of my regular number of hrs of sleep, i know that it'll pay off soon. The fruits of my hard work, phew!!! To be added, our exam in Math was sooo easyyy. yaaaaay!!. hahaa!. Can't wait for the results. hmmm... :D :P. ---Soo, yeaa. That was our final exams and all we need to do this cUmmin' week is just to PRACTiCE FOR OUR GRADUATiON DAAAY ;). Btw, our teacher asked me to sing on-stage on our grad day. I just dunno if that will not be postponed 'cause there's only 1 week && 4 days left. That's fine wit me 'cause I love bein' on-stage. I love being a performer :D.---
*Then the day our exams ended, My honey && I went to their place and watched a movie then dropped by to my previous school, ESA. I really miss my loooveshiesx there. So, I snatched the chance to see all of 'em and luckily, they were there wit me <3 :). yaaay!!. hahaa!. Btw, I love my dress that evenin'. hahaa!. I'll be posting my solo and quad'pixiesx whenever I get a chance. Just luurvee minglin' wit 'em ohh O.o I've seen the event and the two girls really ROCK :). We saw the contestants and what dazzled OUR eyes who had the beautiful style of clothes, gowns & the way they carry theirselves were the new student and Ariane:) That was for real. hahaa!.
It also brought back memories of Mr. && Ms ESA, three years ago, which was really intense, LMAO! The representatives of each level in hs were hooot :))). I remember when I was in 1st yr & barely 12yrs old that time, our adviser asked me to joined the said pageant. [['Twas a RUSH and sudden]] hahaa!. Wasn't prepared, ayhe?. I wore 2 gowns, those have the same cut, a seductive one or sort of daring. hahaa!. They love it, me too:D My partner & I won Mr. & Ms. Talent; I was also awarded Ms. Jollibee & Ms. Gentro. :)
*The next scoop was yesterday, Saturday, my mUm && I went to Robinsons Dasma 'cause of a HUGE appointment. hahaa!. Then we got home @ 'round 11pm ;))))). We always arrive home LATEEE every time i'm wit my mOmma <3:) :).
*And you still don't have somethin' to show everyone. You were so ludricrous!. Yeah >:))). humbugs deserved it!. Stop being an illustionist. Trust me, that's a total horid:)))
*The last thingy that I'm 'bout to mention is I woke up early today 'cause of this blog. I EXTREMELY can't resist bloggin'. Oh snap!. hahaa!. Btw, my kUiAh, his wifee, && their cutie lil' boy are goin' to step in here by 10am. So yeah, i'm on to editin' our pix. hahaa!. Gunna upload it on my facebook accout, hmmkaaay?. tcee yowh!. :).
<3 Hanney'PaU, Ciao!. xoxoxo* Labels: love., weekends
08 March 2010 // 3:52 AM
TOODLESX :). Labels: exams, happy
06 March 2010 // 8:05 PM
Yeah, i've got bunches of scoops to share wit yah'LL...hahaa!. it's been a sh*tty-busy week:))) yet i luuurveee itt A LOT!!. yah knoww how HUGE it is when I say A LOT:D HAHA!!. FLASHES UP::
*I've been busy and in love wit volleyball. And the Theresian meet went WELL, really awesome. Had 2 sets of games each day...Guess what we won the 2nd set yesterday, the last day of the maze:D I called it maze 'cause 'twas a blast!. I gave a lot for that and it's totally amazing.
*We, the graduatin' students, are goin'ta take our exams next week from March 10-12...Had an appointment on the last day of our exams...'twas settled. BOOM!!. :P.
*I already know how to make a website!. HAHA!!. yaaay MEEE!!. We had a project in Computer and I called on a help from a buddy:) hahaa!. So, by SUMMER i'll be spreadin' my site and encourage others to make one alsoo:))) I could copy my posts here on that site soon, anyways. hahaa!.
*My tumblr is unused already. plurk is on the way, though:)))
*Gunna rest after our exams then REViEW for the college entrance exams...That will be a HiTTT!!. hahaa!. sooo EXCiTED, beeybaaaay!!. :P. Labels: college, fun, gossip, love
05 March 2010 // 6:50 AM
Yes, today's my day, OUR DAAAY, actually :). HAHA!!. Op cOrZ, CiNCO babyyy!!. ;))))). Any confessions?. yeaa. First off --- I'm STiLL ME when i'm wit YOU, I love you more each day comes, I still giggle on your jokes, and you still take away my breathe. As I always say, you're everything to me :) :). *BTW, today's our 2nd game in Theresian and it felt soo good after those energetic momentum. hahaa!.* The last stop of that day was the exchange of pressies...Guess what, he gave me a "Ferrero Rocher" [[one of my fave!]] and the 3rd chocolate has a silver necklace wit a red, water bulb pendant wit forever note flowing inside the red water :). That's just soo SWEET :D. Thank yooou sooo mUchiie mik~mik q :D. HAPPEEE 2nd ANiVERSARY, honey :D. uh-huhh!!. We're still standin' tall:))) I wish us more strenght, a healthy && loving life, and full of happiness for the both of us...Whatever humps or curves there will be, i know...TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE iTT!!. :D. i love you my hUbBeEe :-*. take care oweiz.
love PaU:), your honey. Labels: happy, honey, love, lovers
02 March 2010 // 9:33 PM
OMGEEES!!. i'm sooo GLAD 'cause of hoopla things...I can't imagine how much lucky I am...A lot of splendid opportunities are comin' my way...yeee!!. Especially those twinklin' news that I hear...I hope. hope. hope* :))). That'll be sooo HUGE. HAHA!!. I really LOVE those people 'round me...yaaay!!. claps for my fam, honey && bestfriends :D.
hahaa!. just BURST out of laughin'. :))). okaaay, I'm just absent today...Why?. 'cause I definitely, definitely need to REST. Ohh, btw, 2mw's a BiG DAY...Guess what, it's the Theresian Meet...We're going to have this volleyball, basketball [[for guys]] and badminton game...hahaa!. A whole lot busy...phew!!. The game is until March 7...We really can't wait no more...We can make it!. good luck guysx :). Labels: happiness, love.
31 March 2010 // 3:35 AM
[[3oMARCH ‘1o, Tuesday]]-----*., ^^, yaaay!. Mark/'Tis the/HUGE DAY!.
Yeap! It’s our BIG Day ~* our High School Graduation Day. Along with the other numerous graduating high school students like me, I can proudly say that after four years in secondary school, I successfully hurdled another phase in my formative educational stage of my life. ‘Twas, indeed, a year filled with glaring adventure. I’d say it was a journey with its twists and turns on the sidelights, LOL!.
So, how’s my day, hmmm? I’m up by 9am, had breakfast then fixed my things. The day went smoothly. Luckily, I had time to rest after a sumptuous lunch, hahaha!. By 3pm, my papuuuh, my dear lola mOm [[my granny on my mUm’s side]] && I got in the car and headed to the parlor. In just a ‘lil two hours & my hair & make-up done, my parents arrived who brought my red, white-y tube imported satin cocktail dress which was complemented mid-section with black sash just long enough to make a ribbon at the back and my pair of lovely red shoes [[I remembered that time when we went inside the boutique & my mamuuh saw the dress which the kind store assistant gave us for fitting, I knew that it was the right one. I love it a lot hahaa!. Thanks to my ever so generous parents :)]].
Time-checked and after I donned my dress with the help of my mom and the parlor’s receptionist, we headed on to school, phew!. I had a mixed feeling of emotions that time---excited and also quite anxious, thinkin’ about how the event would turn out that night and partly ‘cause I wouldn’t want to be late. I have to be ready before our processional and for my prayer song as well.
Luckily, we’re just in time when we arrived in school. My mUm and my granny accompanied me along the hallway and helped me fixed my toga while my dad took out the cassette tape & recorder that I’ll be using for my prayer song. I’m also grateful to Ms. Janice, the school registrar who gave me a corsage and a glass of warm water which was really a relief to my almost dry mouth hahaa!. With just a few minutes left before the program, I went to the faculty room where ‘twas quiet so I can vocalize before getting in line with the rest of my classmates…Thanks to those people who supported me…weee…Can’t believe that I already have fans…LOL:)…My prayer song entitled “The Healing”, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFkmq1wV6nY, went well. Thanks to Bro. Bing for the wonderful piano accompaniment and arrangement which he himself recorded for me. Labels: graduation day, happy
27 March 2010 // 5:29 PM
Happy mornin' peopLe!. :D. Sorry guysx it took me more than four days to blog on account of being BUSY, soo MUCH BUSYYY...HAHA. Soo here are the scoops to tell yah'LL:
MONDAY 22March '1o ---*., My mUm and I went malling that afternoon. We talked for a while and watched the people skate on ice. Then, we planned to continue my practice in skatin' this summer wit or without my classy-hawtiie cousins. Well, obviously, our sched will be loaded. Oh, gaaad!!. It's already full, actually, HAAA!. Afterwards, we stopped by to the Nokia section and decided to buy the NEW [[Nokia]] XpressMusic cellphone, touchscreen. As far as I remember, Its unit is N5230 [[if i'm not mistaken huhh:)))]] It's really cool. Then, when we got home, I told my papuuuh 'bout my new thingy and he borrowed my cp. He said that he like it a lot. Soo, we had an agreement: I gave it to him yet he alsoo payed me:))) lol!. Well, that's okay. I'm still INLOVE wit my 't-mobile cellphone' ;))))). It's touch screen && engage style. Much more cool thank Nokia:D Well, I'm excited to have a blackberry cp after our graduation. TEHEEE!. Umma so muchiie excited to graduate. whoopee!. <3* TUESDAY 23March '1o ---*., We took a rest and I got addicted wit a lot of sites:))) Plus, I spent my time wit my bestgirlfriends. HAHA!!. 'Twas a total FUN: too many to mention the thingies that we did. Some crazy stuff:D
FRiDAY 26March '1o ---*., 'I thought, there's a simple thingy that can be useful but turned out to be a TRASH. You deserve it, CHUMP:P' Yeah, you're a chump!. :P. Well, well, well, another yaaay for me. Guess what, i looove being fearless. It's like it's empowering me, a strong force is keeping me on the right path:))) I knew tons of stuff. People squealed. THEY confided on me:) I really like it when all of 'em tip-off. Soo, BULL'S EYE again, honey^^ triple gs, ayhe?. Soo, you think she likes you?. naaah:))) Don't be soo sure, you, jackass. *FEELERRRR* LMAO* XD. SECONDLY, there was a commotion @ 'round 11pm-2am. HAHA!. SHE is a HUGE disturbance in our life, && so to ... hahaa!. she's alsoo a crap. Not a craft but more than a crap:))) yiiieep!. Ohh, almost in hoosegow: meaning: jail. HAHA >;D :P. hey para...., look, your life will be stuck in hoodoo crafts.
TODAY, SUNDAY 28March '1o ---*., So, yeah, today's today. *laughs* ;))))). Woke up early and bathe by 7am. Put my clothes on and do the lappy thingy. horaaay!. My parents and I will be out later. I think, by 9am:d gUnna drop by to church and after the mass i'm goin'ta practice my song. Then, that will be accompanied by Brother Bing. After lunch we'll go shopping again:D <3 Labels: fun., happiness, love, madness
21 March 2010 // 5:36 PM
HAHA. Soo yeah. Today's Monday...Seemingly, I should've made this blog yesterday but my PERFECT LiFE is sooo busy again...ohh, wait...were there really times that I seemed not to be that busy ayhe?. hahaa!. nooooneee:))) GREAT!. lol:D Let's just have a recap 'bout what happened last week...hmmm?. :) :).
**SATURDAY 2oMarch '1o: I was sooo exhausted 'cause of the malling thingy last Friday. hahaa!. Soo, I took a lil' rest despite that it's not enough...Plus, I still went to my bestgirlfriends' place -namely: Ash, Ysabel, Nikki, && Camille...I totally enjoyed being wit 'em. I always want what's the best for 'em. Oh snap!. We were in the middle of somethin' that day...Letter G [[*orrr* lemme just call HER, a BiTCH, hahaa!. Ms GG^^,]] Okay, she was like so much over acting, acting like one of the bitches I knowww:))), she wants to be a star like a boastful and bossy type of person...I didn't like what she's been actin' lately and I feel so sorry for her...I kicked her. As in outtah mah life *'kabooog' as what they say* I was on Ashley's side 'cause I wouldn't let anyone to touch my deary, bestgirlfriend. No one could HURT her!. Same goes wit Edsel and Ysabel. Dare me not:))) Soo what did I do?. @ first I had a casual convy wit her yet she was such a BASTARD thaat I can't keep my blood's temp down. HAHA!!. dayuuumn!. I confronted her in their terrace's house...Her sister was there and I DO NOT GiVE A DAMN if her fam heard what I've said. Oh, gosh!. Don't you know that I love making some scenes:))) That would be classy. hahaa!. 'cause that's the BEST WAY to FACE BiTCHiE COWARDS who hide behind other poeple's skirts:))) Sarry, but I wasn't able to control my voice and their neighbors heard me scolding Ms. GG. That is just a proof that I want all of my BFFS to be safe and that I would protect 'em as much as I can...As long as they/i'm right, umma gunna do wat is JUST. So for those BiTCHES who tried to unnerve me, sorry guys. You should've known me better 'cause umma tell you this 'WHAT YOU SEE iS ONLY HALF OF WHAT YOU GET'. Be careful 'cause every word that I'm mentioning in this blog is true. Simple as this, just ask any one of 'em to know who I really am. *fearless; 'palaban' -- that's what they usually say*
**SUNDAY 21March '1o: Yesterday was a puurfect day for us. HAHA. We've given all of our time to each other. Soo yeah, Yesterday, Sunday, I sneaked out. hahaa!. Got up by 4:30am and knocked the door to wake up our maid. hahaa!. Luckily, she woke up. I prepared and took a bath for an activity wit Ash. We had a jogging moment, yes the two of us only:))) That was FUN!. His dad knows that I'm wit her so he knows that i'm also responsible to take care of Ash. When I wasn't busy, BEFORE: I would just stepped on their gate and tito N would say 'Ui!. Halika, get in'. Same goes wit my fam. It's like, the two parties: Ash's side and mine's the same. We're like an all in one family:))) Soo, I just miss those times. weeee...Yesterday I felt it again. After our joggin', we went to my place and used the laptop then got in Ash's car. Went to RFC and McDo, just drive thru though:))) 'Twas soo fun!. The drinks fell down thrice. HAHA!!. Tito didn't get mad aman ee. hahaa!. Then sooo hayooop. hahaa!. had a lil' party. All of us wore black somethin' wit an eyeliner on that side and there:D. I'm hoping that the G-Force training will push thru this summer. If that's so, i'll be goin' there wit Ash and my cousins. love it!. <3 :). Soo yeah, gottah gooo...Umma check on Ash's place for a while. hahahaa!.
peaceout!. xoxoxo* :)
Labels: girlfriends, gossip, love, weekends
19 March 2010 // 7:06 PM
What happened lately?. Well, it's been a tirin' yet awesome week, surely ;))). Practicin' for our graduation day is really a tedious one...I think, we're goin' later or tomorrow to 'Young Sheperd's School', where I used to have my voice lesson last school year && summer but I'm practicin' on my own, though. (: Soo yeahh, we're gUnna arrange the tune of the song so that it'll be far different from the other copy that I have...Justvto be ORiGiNAl. Don't like mimicing someone nor pretendin' to be someone else...It's GOOD TO dream but DO NOT be an illustionist if you know that it's not goin' to happen at all. You, suckaa!. ;P :D. CAMAN!. Girl, you should be tellin' that to yourself. GET LOSS && FiND YOUR OWN HOBBY:))) Get a life.
Oh well, i have my own LiFE. A BETTER one [[as you can see...]] I'll be graduatin' this March 3o. *whoohooo!* Then i'm about to enter the next level ... The intense && not ordinary world. HAHA. Gonna reveal my fruitful thoughts *s o o n* :D.
Soo, yeah, Yesterday, Fridaaay: 19March '1o My parents, our maid, & I went mallin'. My papuuuh got me a new smart pants and three tees while my mUm bought me a pair of shoes:) Simple but elegant. soo classy. Bought some crazy, cool, && pretty stuff for scrapbookin'. I'll be callin' that scrapbloggin' ;))). Yeah!. My mUm && I decided to watch 'Remember Me' Starring: Robert Pattinson. yeee...love the movie!. So admire itt on the hook!. I love his SMiLE...HAHA!!. I thought @first that it's just a plain and simple story yet in the middle up-to-the end of the flick, I found something more intense. I got iNSANE. hahaa!. More like, 6 drops of tears trickled down on my cheeks:))) The endin' part was Robert Pattinson who played Tyler in the movie, croaked on Sept. 11, 2oo1. OMG!! That was the September 11 tragedy where two planes crashed on the twin towers in NY. A sure devilish, planned act of terrorism where thousand of lives vanished in just one glimpse. Wasn't able to watch it?. Then, I'm sure you won't forget to REMEMBER Tyler [[Robert Pattinson]]...it's a heart-warming flick...must-see <3;]. Labels: family, love., movies
15 March 2010 // 3:29 AM
Yeapp!!. The HELL WEEK had passed and i'm still BUSYYY...HAHA. well, of course umma graduatin' student:))) hmmkaaay, I got home @ 'round 5:10pm from school wit scoops floodin' [[phew!!.]] Guess what, we just had our group singin' practice...So those on the list would be "I'll be alright" by Sarah Geronimo [[tribute for parents]], "I turn to you" [[tribute for teachers]], && "There you'll be" [[our grad. song]]. Additional one track for me...Yeah, i'm goin' to sing ALONE on-stage...*title: Healing by: Denise Williams* As my mates say, they were like 'uiie, gruuubeh, taas ng ka2ntahin m'. hahaa!. yeaaap* i SHALL do my BEST OF BEST for that day. hahaa!. Gunna control nibblin' of sweets, for now ;))))). Soo, ME LiKEY our SCHEDULE tomorrow. why?. 'cause it's goin'ta be 2-5pm' isn't that great?!. :D.
To be added---*., i have followin' appointments on March 17 .&&. 25, 2o1o..HAHA!!. umma NOT GUNNA SPOiL iTT. BLEEEEH!!. :P :). Another yess!. Last night my papuuuh, my kUiAh, and their buddies got to gulp tons of alcoholic beverages. So nice to accompany 'em. hahaa!. I totally HEART my family. 'bout yah?. gonna drop some flashes again (: tke cre. mwuaaahsx... \m/ Labels: happiness, love, sschool days
13 March 2010 // 3:55 PM
Yeaa. I'm backkk. HAHA. got a lot of scoopsx for yah'LL loooveshiesx:))) ohmiigaaad!!. dunno where to begin hahaa!. :). Flashes up again:
*A week had passed again and, yeah, that 'HELL WEEK' absolutely had driven us insane. hahaa!. Well, our exam in Physics was sooo f*ckin' TOUGHHH:))) I know that it'll happen that's why I really studied for 'bout 5hrs just for that subject. Though it deprived me of my regular number of hrs of sleep, i know that it'll pay off soon. The fruits of my hard work, phew!!! To be added, our exam in Math was sooo easyyy. yaaaaay!!. hahaa!. Can't wait for the results. hmmm... :D :P. ---Soo, yeaa. That was our final exams and all we need to do this cUmmin' week is just to PRACTiCE FOR OUR GRADUATiON DAAAY ;). Btw, our teacher asked me to sing on-stage on our grad day. I just dunno if that will not be postponed 'cause there's only 1 week && 4 days left. That's fine wit me 'cause I love bein' on-stage. I love being a performer :D.---
*Then the day our exams ended, My honey && I went to their place and watched a movie then dropped by to my previous school, ESA. I really miss my loooveshiesx there. So, I snatched the chance to see all of 'em and luckily, they were there wit me <3 :). yaaay!!. hahaa!. Btw, I love my dress that evenin'. hahaa!. I'll be posting my solo and quad'pixiesx whenever I get a chance. Just luurvee minglin' wit 'em ohh O.o I've seen the event and the two girls really ROCK :). We saw the contestants and what dazzled OUR eyes who had the beautiful style of clothes, gowns & the way they carry theirselves were the new student and Ariane:) That was for real. hahaa!.
It also brought back memories of Mr. && Ms ESA, three years ago, which was really intense, LMAO! The representatives of each level in hs were hooot :))). I remember when I was in 1st yr & barely 12yrs old that time, our adviser asked me to joined the said pageant. [['Twas a RUSH and sudden]] hahaa!. Wasn't prepared, ayhe?. I wore 2 gowns, those have the same cut, a seductive one or sort of daring. hahaa!. They love it, me too:D My partner & I won Mr. & Ms. Talent; I was also awarded Ms. Jollibee & Ms. Gentro. :)
*The next scoop was yesterday, Saturday, my mUm && I went to Robinsons Dasma 'cause of a HUGE appointment. hahaa!. Then we got home @ 'round 11pm ;))))). We always arrive home LATEEE every time i'm wit my mOmma <3:) :).
*And you still don't have somethin' to show everyone. You were so ludricrous!. Yeah >:))). humbugs deserved it!. Stop being an illustionist. Trust me, that's a total horid:)))
*The last thingy that I'm 'bout to mention is I woke up early today 'cause of this blog. I EXTREMELY can't resist bloggin'. Oh snap!. hahaa!. Btw, my kUiAh, his wifee, && their cutie lil' boy are goin' to step in here by 10am. So yeah, i'm on to editin' our pix. hahaa!. Gunna upload it on my facebook accout, hmmkaaay?. tcee yowh!. :).
<3 Hanney'PaU, Ciao!. xoxoxo* Labels: love., weekends
08 March 2010 // 3:52 AM
TOODLESX :). Labels: exams, happy
06 March 2010 // 8:05 PM
Yeah, i've got bunches of scoops to share wit yah'LL...hahaa!. it's been a sh*tty-busy week:))) yet i luuurveee itt A LOT!!. yah knoww how HUGE it is when I say A LOT:D HAHA!!. FLASHES UP::
*I've been busy and in love wit volleyball. And the Theresian meet went WELL, really awesome. Had 2 sets of games each day...Guess what we won the 2nd set yesterday, the last day of the maze:D I called it maze 'cause 'twas a blast!. I gave a lot for that and it's totally amazing.
*We, the graduatin' students, are goin'ta take our exams next week from March 10-12...Had an appointment on the last day of our exams...'twas settled. BOOM!!. :P.
*I already know how to make a website!. HAHA!!. yaaay MEEE!!. We had a project in Computer and I called on a help from a buddy:) hahaa!. So, by SUMMER i'll be spreadin' my site and encourage others to make one alsoo:))) I could copy my posts here on that site soon, anyways. hahaa!.
*My tumblr is unused already. plurk is on the way, though:)))
*Gunna rest after our exams then REViEW for the college entrance exams...That will be a HiTTT!!. hahaa!. sooo EXCiTED, beeybaaaay!!. :P. Labels: college, fun, gossip, love
05 March 2010 // 6:50 AM
Yes, today's my day, OUR DAAAY, actually :). HAHA!!. Op cOrZ, CiNCO babyyy!!. ;))))). Any confessions?. yeaa. First off --- I'm STiLL ME when i'm wit YOU, I love you more each day comes, I still giggle on your jokes, and you still take away my breathe. As I always say, you're everything to me :) :). *BTW, today's our 2nd game in Theresian and it felt soo good after those energetic momentum. hahaa!.* The last stop of that day was the exchange of pressies...Guess what, he gave me a "Ferrero Rocher" [[one of my fave!]] and the 3rd chocolate has a silver necklace wit a red, water bulb pendant wit forever note flowing inside the red water :). That's just soo SWEET :D. Thank yooou sooo mUchiie mik~mik q :D. HAPPEEE 2nd ANiVERSARY, honey :D. uh-huhh!!. We're still standin' tall:))) I wish us more strenght, a healthy && loving life, and full of happiness for the both of us...Whatever humps or curves there will be, i know...TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE iTT!!. :D. i love you my hUbBeEe :-*. take care oweiz.
love PaU:), your honey. Labels: happy, honey, love, lovers
02 March 2010 // 9:33 PM
OMGEEES!!. i'm sooo GLAD 'cause of hoopla things...I can't imagine how much lucky I am...A lot of splendid opportunities are comin' my way...yeee!!. Especially those twinklin' news that I hear...I hope. hope. hope* :))). That'll be sooo HUGE. HAHA!!. I really LOVE those people 'round me...yaaay!!. claps for my fam, honey && bestfriends :D.
hahaa!. just BURST out of laughin'. :))). okaaay, I'm just absent today...Why?. 'cause I definitely, definitely need to REST. Ohh, btw, 2mw's a BiG DAY...Guess what, it's the Theresian Meet...We're going to have this volleyball, basketball [[for guys]] and badminton game...hahaa!. A whole lot busy...phew!!. The game is until March 7...We really can't wait no more...We can make it!. good luck guysx :). Labels: happiness, love.
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