30 May 2010 // 11:35 AM
Coo!. uh-huhh. A word that best describes everything 'bout what happened yesterday :D. hahaa!. well, based on my title-post - we just had our orientation yesterday @MDC [[Manila Doctors College]]. Yea, should be aptly called MDC and not Madocs as the head of our Guidance Dept had reminded us also, hahaa!. The last time I dropped by the school, we were given a note on what to wear on our orientation day, soo, it should be a 'smart-casual attire' :]. what the?!. smart, AYE. Then I decided to wear my purple dress and my white gladiator shoes ;). And, yeah!. I was sooo excited to go there 'cause I've always wanted to see the crowd and I couldn't wait no more to know every single thing of the advantages that we could get and to familiarize myself also about the rules && regulations of my new 2nd home :). After a very, very, looong discussion [[which took us more than 6 hours:)))]] and everything's settled then, we were asked to go to our respective groups so we could have our body measurements for our school uniform, yayy! Each course put up different lines and as the time passed by, a group of girls asked kindly for my name and I introduced to 'em my BFF also, Annikka:D Exchange of numbers happened and sort of chitchattings. soo, yeah, the day ended well. Wishin' good luck on my college life. see yah'LL there people!. ;pp ;). Labels: college, May 29 Orientation Day 2010
28 May 2010 // 9:35 PM

YAAAY MEE!. :D. Why?. What's on?. HAHA. Remember the BiG PARTAAAY I was talkin' 'bout few days ago?. :))) well, yeah. My loving parents decided to throw my very own [[first]] partaaay and alsoo thanksgivin' celeb 'cause I just graduated high school with outstanding achievements in tow :D cheers for that!. (: hahaa!. 'twas held yesterday, 27 May '1o @ Paradiso Terrestre [[La Terraza Bar and Grille]] and the event started @ 'round 6pm till 3am onwards. Okay lezzz have some flashbacks, soo, here it goes..... After giving out my invitation cards, rehearsing for my song and our dance numbers, arranging some stuff, setting every thing up and mooore, all of us were soo MUCH excited!. I was THRILLED more when my RFFL gang [[true besties]] prepared some special numbers for me and awww, I am really touched and THANKFUL to all of 'em [[loveshies]] :).
The day of the party was, indeed, great. The weather was fine and our morning was spent relaxing but towards mid-day the usual follow-ups were just made :) Thank God, everything went well. While waiting for my childhood friend Pat & her schoolmate Rox, my mom and I headed to the parlor. They arrived just in time so we could have a 'lil practice of our hip-hop dance number hahahaa!! By 5:30pm we got in the van and we fetched my buddies @ our meeting place then headed towards the venue. Luckily, there was no traffic and we had a smooth travel, altogether ;)).
As we enter the place, I felt my heart beat fast, woh!! Adrenalin rush, LOL!. The venue [[Paradiso Terrestre]] really seemed like a paradise and so nature-friendly. One would be welcome by the green scenery and surrounded with native trees, ahhh!. As I stepped on the ground, I thought that 'ohh, it's so nice here...soo romantic && beautiful :].' Right waiting for us at the entrance were the friendly staff and their head waiter welcoming us :))). What's unique about the place was the venue where my party will be held was only a few steps before the roof top. Excitedly climbing the stairs, I really couldn't wait to see how they managed to arrange the place. And YEAH!. what caught my EYES first?! 'Twas my accessorized baby pink and purple cup cakes tower and birthday cake as well :D. Good job, Ms. Pie! :) seee....

Happily contented with the arrangement of the place, we then settled to our designated tables then I checked to see my buddies seated comfortably while we waited for the other guests to arrive. Then after a while, my relatives came and so are my friends :) There were also unexpected guests which made me smile :) :). We all ate dinner first before doing cracky things:))) Oh, I love their sweet roasted chicken and dessert as well, yummiie.yUmm.yUm!. ;D.
To start the evening ..... well, my childhood friend, Pat & Rox were the hostesses of the night. Luckily, it's a good thingy that we hired Mr. Louie who took some candid pictures and memorable videos of the event. I was so touched by my friends' sweet messages and voilaaa!. The special numbers started after then :). I had my opening song; 'Fearless by Taylor Swift' wit the 'Bricks Band' and Karen, my good friend who played the electric guitar :))). 'twas my first time to sing wit the band, actually. Then, my cousin, Joy && I sang 'Telephone' by Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce using the minus one from her laptop :]. She also had her solo song number entitled 'Gift Of A Friend' by Demi Lovato :]. She has a nice voice, huh:D *runs in our blood* -laughs ;DD.
Then the band began their first set [[more than 10 songs]]. Then a dance number from my cousins [[my mom's side]], next were my former Esanians schoolmates who performed their dance number. Our hip-hop dance number with Pat & Rox was the finale, yay!! :)]]. My kuya John sang 'Your Love' wit the band and not to be outdone was my dad who had his solo song # wit 'em. And of course, what else?!. HAHA. drink it up!. don't shut it down!. HAHA. When the band played "I Got a Feeling," it really rocked the house down hahahaa!! I brought Hiromi and others infront of the band and sang with them :))) look @ our pix!. :].
Can you just imagine how much FUN we had during that night?. And OH!. HAHA. They even stayed till past 2am :))) including my parents, some friends, and my cousins!. Top that!. Michael, Pat, her guys, Rox, my kuya, and my parents stayed up 'til 4am. HAHA. we had some shots of Red Tide and other cocktail drinks. The color yellow has the lightest boom, next is green and oh my!. WTF* the red one's sooo haaaaard:))) sooo funny!. Karen got sooooooo tipsy!!!!. HAHA. and so am I. ;))). Still, I didn't really get drunk and hahaa!. what a laughin' trip!. yo!. Then, we had tons of picture perfect takings before ma'am Len, sir Allan, sir Archie, sir Emil, and sir Angelo left :
Oooops!. The party's not over yet!. Hahahahahaa!. Pat, Rox and I danced on-stage:))) just random songs from Rox's ipod. hahaa!. My mUm was the one who took our video. Check 'em out in my facebook, hmmkay?. HAHA. soo, yeah!. we got home by 5am and slept @ 'round 6am. Couldn't believe that I woke up by past 4pm - absolutely GREAT!. ---* Special THANKS to GOD, my parents, my relatives, and special people!. i love you all!. 'til next time:D ♥xoxoxo* :) :). Labels: family, girlfriends, happy, my sweet sixteenth partaaay
18 May 2010 // 9:25 PM
To our dearest "Lolo Tangkad," I hope you're happy, wherever you are. We may not see you but you'll always be in our hearts. And NO ONE can take that away from us. Our thoughts, beautiful and funny memories we had. You deserve to be happy and free; a perfect'paradise where you could live endlessly :D:D. And yeap, those words up there are dedicated to my grandpa, on my papuuuh's side. Today, 18 May '1o, is his 1st Death Anniv. We dropped by @ my lolo's crib in advance last 16 May '1o, prayed solemnly, prepared the things and food, ate and took some pictures.

Afterwards, my mUm decided to visit my tito and there we headed. We stopped by my couzins' place @ Avida Residences. My parents, my kUiAh, 'te Cor, cutiie Rhen2 and I had a sumptious lunch with them. Afterwards, we all went upstairs and talked to my couziies 'bout their own special number and 'bout mine. We practiced our song [[duet]] :))). It's really kicking me out, LMAO* :D:D. My cute adorable couz Joy has a really promising singing voice. Just give her time to grow up then a NEW star is born Hahahahaa! The day went well then we headed back to our lovely home. HAHAS* home-y. home-y me lovey:D:D Labels: 1st Death Anniv of my grandpa :|, couziies
17 May 2010 // 11:39 PM
okaaay, yeah, yeah, fineee:))) those captions mean a lot to me. HAHA especially the second one. :). Lezzz start @ the top. Well, one of my childhood buddies went over to our house wit her BFF to practice our dance number. [[they're from Manila, anyways]] HAHA. I fetched 'em in Zapote and we did tons of chitchatting then planned the STEP-UPPS when we got in our house. Hahahahahaa!. The moves are COOL, and you really hafta exert an effort, swear:))) After that, we were drenched of sweat 'cause of this effin' lovin' summer HEAT;))) I forgot some of the steps but I'm focussing on those tough moves and tryn'a work it out. I hope by Friday or Saturday I could drop by their house [[vice versa:)))]] Okay, gonna contact her again.
Hmmm...OH MY!. My mUm wants me alsoo to enroll in a ballet school 'cause I'll also be able to attend ballet classes with my childhood friend's BFF who is a ballet dancer @ Liza Macuja's dance school in Manila. Soo, yeah, of course it'll be awesome yet tirin'. As looong as i'll have fun WHY NOT!. Hahahahaa!. Plus dance club in Madocs, okay, GREATNESS!. :P :D:D. After our dance practice, we headed off to Manila and met wit Michael.
Now here's my first-time ever awful experience, though. On our way home, I didn't notice that ..... well, my cellphone was gone. It's LOST, ughh!!. Soo, now, i got the chance to use a blackberry phone. Honestly, I don't like it that much. But just the same, I'm thankful that NO HARM was done to us and I still have a spare phone to use. Hopefully, by June, I'll be able to buy the phone that I've been looonginng to have. Oh, puhleaseee. ohhaaaa:))) Gimme' gimme, LOL!!! I knowww... ;). 'twas still a GREAT day, woooo!. LOOOVE iTT:))) Labels: dance practice, Manila-love
13 May 2010 // 9:18 PM
13 May '1o [[Thursday]] ---* So here goes, yesterday, 13May '1o, my parents and I went to the place where my party will be held. The solace has 5 function rooms - Villa Estrella, Via Romana, La Veranda where they have a huge pool, Terraza & Bar where a live band performs weekly, and to top it all is their roof top deck. Wow! 'tis is so romantic & relaxing. It's really COOL! Haha. :). After a tour of that adorable place and reservation settled, we went to the school and got my other requirements for college :) Haayy, suddenly I just miss high school and my goodie chums there as well >:<
Afterwards, we headed to the mall. My mum got me a neat pair of wedge shoes, nothing fancy but only for casual wear - again:))) HAHA. Then we were up to watch the flick; 'The Last Song’. I was still mesmerized and I couldn't help but cry especially those scenes 'bout miley & her dad hahaah!. That movie’s really heart-warming and awesome. A neat 4 star, I'd say :)
With just enough time to spare, we decided to check the other boutique and my mUm bought this cute party dress for my sweet sixteenth partaaay celebration on 27May ‘1o :) Then my papuuuh decided to grab his own Tribal belt bag. So yeah, we agreed it's really cool, my dad feeling yuppie :]] Although, we wanted to stay there longer and fit the clothes that I want, we couldn’t ‘cause we were running out of time. The next spot was @ the grocery then with our purchases done, we got in our car and yeah! Thank goodness, we arrived home smoothly and safe :D
Hmmm, of course we couldn't wait any more longer, soo, we already watched the flick:))) HAHA. i'm done readin' The Last Song so i already had an idea of what the movie will bring us but just like what i said before 'i hope that the movie won't fail me'. Well, it didn't, though - the movie's awesome but i'm tellin' yah'LL, the novel by Nicholas Sparks is more astounding than the movie - it's MUCH BETTER; for short. It didn't disappoint me yet tons of thingies changed. Some scenes in the novel weren't in the movie. To enlighten you up, then, read this ---*., the first scene in the movie must not turn out like that: the way Ronnie and Blaze had met, how Will accidentally bumped into Ronnie and how her shake was splatted all over her shirt, plus! there wasn't a scenario when, in the book, Ronnie saw Marcus && Will fightin' and she stood up there 'cause the kid's crying and stopped the fight, the way she tends her father, the scene that Ronnie was scared 'cause of the Racoon [[it must not happen]] and most of all was the way the story ended. Although they hafta do the short cut thingy meaning; other scenes will be cut and at the end, they hafta change it. That's why the story in the book's better. More detailed and the original one :) :). Swear!. You got'tah read the book!. it's SUPERB!. :D. Labels: mall, movies, the last song
// 7:30 AM
Labels: novel, the last song
12 May 2010 // 12:00 AM
'In the beginning there is mystery, in the end there's confirmation, but it's in the middle where all the emotion resides to make the whole thing worthwhile.' --- Yes, that's what I thought. There's alsoo a never-ending explanation or interpretation of a song just like in real life :). Well, is there something that you think you can relate to my blog or kinda' sounds familiar, huhh?" (: HAHA. just done readin' my book - 'THE LAST SONG'. *check it out* ---*., 'cause i felt the same way too :]. I extremely cried while flipping the last 20 pages of the book: 'twas so heartwarming, full of lessons - ugh!. it's just indescribable at all:))) yet THiS AiN'T THE LAST SONG, RONNiE SAiD...WHATEVER. WHATEVER. *peace* hahaa!. know what it means?. it's just a code for:))) Hahahahaa!. you must read the book first. i could be a spoiler but choose not to. so, be glad >;))) *orrr* you might watch the flick, i just dunno if that part will be shown there. HAHA.
BTW, I LOOOVE the story. I just hope that the movie won't fail me. And, OH!. It's SHOWiNG NOW!. yeah, FREE PLUGGiN' :: May 12, 2o1o SHOWiNG - 'THE LAST SONG' :). I want to watch this flick this day but my bestfriend is loaded. soo, yeah. although I can go wit my parents I still decided to wait for her. There...see...iloveyou :). Labels: the last song
05 May 2010 // 11:27 PM
It's our day, heaven-ly yeah, of course :). CiNCO is LOOOVE. HAHA. soo, yeah. HAPPY 26th monthsary, honey!. :D:D. there it is. He just surprised me and I never had a hint:))) Okay. we went first to the hotel in Makati where his Tita is staying everytime she would come to Manila and yeap! I've finally met his youngest aunt and grandfather as well :). They're such sweet folks :). I remember 'twas last year when he introduced me to his other aunt. Actually, they're sisters of his mom. We took some pics and there... :) Afterwards, we got in their van and headed to...^^,

uh-huhhh!!. Yeah, what you see is RiGHT. we went to ABS-CBN for a tour. Our first stop was @ kulilits' corner. 'Kulilits' is one of ABS-CBN's tv shows every Saturday morning. While the tour guide was leading us going to Showtime studio, we passed by Anne Curtis' dressing room which the TG showed to us. We saw and met Priscilla, Ms Earth 2005, and she's sooo tall. Afterwards, on the way right side we saw && met Anne Curtis. She's so lovely, sweet, and stunning though she was only in a simple clothing that time. Got in Showtime studio then @News Center which is the so called 'News Patrol' && 'Bandila' are aired. Along the way, I got a chance to take a picture wit Ms. Kc Concepcion :). It just kind of suck 'cause the pix is quite maximize, the photographer should have widened the lens 'cause Ms. Kc Concepcion wrapped her left arm 'round mine. I guess, the picture above explains everything:))) Hahahahahaa!. She's adorable and sweet in person :). Then, we headed towards Asap XV, Banana Split, SNN, and Wowowee's studio. Guess what, when we went there we saw and met Ms. Congratulations and Bentong. HAHA. Take note, 'twas when we stopped by Wowowee. hahaa!. We can't go inside 'cause the plots were already full. Hmmm, maybe next time, if ever Hahaa!!! Since 'twas late in the aftie already and with our grumpy stomach, we headed back to the van and off we went to Greenhills,yayy!! My craving for food is enough for me not to turn my head back. Ahhh, not this time, LOL!!! See you again, ABS and Kapamilyas!!! I'm sure you will, too. hahaa!. Labels: abs-cbn, kc concepcion
03 May 2010 // 8:36 PM
Time flies fast, indeed, that's why we really hafta live our life to the fullest. just like me.....a girl who loves life and continuously so for [[16]] sixteeen years and praying for more, definitely :)) - raring for tons of wonderful & challenging experiences and mooore ;). hmmm, reflecting how blessed I am.
I'm really THANKFUL that God had given me a chance to explore more and continuously see how amazing the world is. Thank you for letting me stand on earth for more than a decade, for giving me such loving, caring, thoughtful, loyal, and beautiful family - especially my mUm who's always been there for me; through troubles or miseries.....through happiness and she's even a good-secret-keeper...oh, it's so funny whenever we share our cute 'lil secrets:))) it's like my mUm has the fruitiest words that you'd ever hear.
My father who's always been there for me, too, EXCEPT!!. of course, there are "girls stuffs" that I can't blab about, LOL!!!. Well, we do have the secret thingy alsoo but only to surprise my mUm and other stuff that no one else should know. If you're a dudette, you'll understand what i want to point out :]. Well, I hafta admit that, sometimes, I'm just his 'lil princess, more like a 'spoiled brat'; argh, NAAAT!!! scratch that brat word :)). It's not really that only because I would want things and other stuff, knowing that I could get whatever I want. I am still conscientious, though. I'd rather want to be productive and be thrifty as much as I can. At least, i'm patient and I know my limits, I know when to grumble and not:))) I may be overindulged by my father and sometimes, narcissism is coming on my way but again - I also need to be practical and level-headed, dang!. >;))).
-----*., soo, yeah!. here's the outline of what happened:
Well, yeah, of course it's MY BiRTHDAY. mark this; my sweet sixteenth birthday!. there it goes.....I was so touched not only ‘cause my family, my friends, and my online buddies greeted me but because my parents astounded me @ ‘round 12:30m.n. they got in my room and said ‘happy sweet sixteenth, baby’ :) – carrying the cake, red wine, and my pink camera:))) I was so GLAD and startled ‘cause I didn’t have any idea that it’ll actually happen HAHA!!. CLUELESS MUCH:))) after clicking here, flashes there and here, we uttered our goodnights and dozed off right away. And, yeah!. 'twas in the afternoon when my bestfriend, Lovie and her family stepped over our house and we almost went gaga ;))))). 'til the 'adorable GANG' came...my cutiie couziies, Joan && Joy, their parents, our lola mommy, && the other two family friends. Plus; our Uncle Nong wit his wife and their Son, Dj boy :D.
They greeted me and sang before I blew the candles and made tons of happy wishes, yaaay!. HAPPEEE BiRTHDAY to MOi!. :D. soo, yeah, after we ate, we took couple of pix and ohww!. I was startled @ the moment I saw my Tito Butch's expensive NIKON camera and thought like; 'that's for photographers - a professional one, cool!. :). After then, my bestfriend left firs so my couziies and I just walked outdoors and had a 'lil food trip. 'til 'twas time for 'em to go home.
BUT!!. uh-huhh. a BiG BUT of MiNE not yours:))) the FUN DiDN'T stop there :). Come 'tisx 3rd week of May, i'll be throwing a sweet sixteen partaaay of mine and we're busy arranging some stuff right now:D BE THERE!. DON'T MiSS iTT. ♥:) TAH.TAH!!. xoxoxo* Hanne:) Labels: birthday-love
30 May 2010 // 11:35 AM
Coo!. uh-huhh. A word that best describes everything 'bout what happened yesterday :D. hahaa!. well, based on my title-post - we just had our orientation yesterday @MDC [[Manila Doctors College]]. Yea, should be aptly called MDC and not Madocs as the head of our Guidance Dept had reminded us also, hahaa!. The last time I dropped by the school, we were given a note on what to wear on our orientation day, soo, it should be a 'smart-casual attire' :]. what the?!. smart, AYE. Then I decided to wear my purple dress and my white gladiator shoes ;). And, yeah!. I was sooo excited to go there 'cause I've always wanted to see the crowd and I couldn't wait no more to know every single thing of the advantages that we could get and to familiarize myself also about the rules && regulations of my new 2nd home :). After a very, very, looong discussion [[which took us more than 6 hours:)))]] and everything's settled then, we were asked to go to our respective groups so we could have our body measurements for our school uniform, yayy! Each course put up different lines and as the time passed by, a group of girls asked kindly for my name and I introduced to 'em my BFF also, Annikka:D Exchange of numbers happened and sort of chitchattings. soo, yeah, the day ended well. Wishin' good luck on my college life. see yah'LL there people!. ;pp ;). Labels: college, May 29 Orientation Day 2010
28 May 2010 // 9:35 PM

YAAAY MEE!. :D. Why?. What's on?. HAHA. Remember the BiG PARTAAAY I was talkin' 'bout few days ago?. :))) well, yeah. My loving parents decided to throw my very own [[first]] partaaay and alsoo thanksgivin' celeb 'cause I just graduated high school with outstanding achievements in tow :D cheers for that!. (: hahaa!. 'twas held yesterday, 27 May '1o @ Paradiso Terrestre [[La Terraza Bar and Grille]] and the event started @ 'round 6pm till 3am onwards. Okay lezzz have some flashbacks, soo, here it goes..... After giving out my invitation cards, rehearsing for my song and our dance numbers, arranging some stuff, setting every thing up and mooore, all of us were soo MUCH excited!. I was THRILLED more when my RFFL gang [[true besties]] prepared some special numbers for me and awww, I am really touched and THANKFUL to all of 'em [[loveshies]] :).
The day of the party was, indeed, great. The weather was fine and our morning was spent relaxing but towards mid-day the usual follow-ups were just made :) Thank God, everything went well. While waiting for my childhood friend Pat & her schoolmate Rox, my mom and I headed to the parlor. They arrived just in time so we could have a 'lil practice of our hip-hop dance number hahahaa!! By 5:30pm we got in the van and we fetched my buddies @ our meeting place then headed towards the venue. Luckily, there was no traffic and we had a smooth travel, altogether ;)).
As we enter the place, I felt my heart beat fast, woh!! Adrenalin rush, LOL!. The venue [[Paradiso Terrestre]] really seemed like a paradise and so nature-friendly. One would be welcome by the green scenery and surrounded with native trees, ahhh!. As I stepped on the ground, I thought that 'ohh, it's so nice here...soo romantic && beautiful :].' Right waiting for us at the entrance were the friendly staff and their head waiter welcoming us :))). What's unique about the place was the venue where my party will be held was only a few steps before the roof top. Excitedly climbing the stairs, I really couldn't wait to see how they managed to arrange the place. And YEAH!. what caught my EYES first?! 'Twas my accessorized baby pink and purple cup cakes tower and birthday cake as well :D. Good job, Ms. Pie! :) seee....

Happily contented with the arrangement of the place, we then settled to our designated tables then I checked to see my buddies seated comfortably while we waited for the other guests to arrive. Then after a while, my relatives came and so are my friends :) There were also unexpected guests which made me smile :) :). We all ate dinner first before doing cracky things:))) Oh, I love their sweet roasted chicken and dessert as well, yummiie.yUmm.yUm!. ;D.
To start the evening ..... well, my childhood friend, Pat & Rox were the hostesses of the night. Luckily, it's a good thingy that we hired Mr. Louie who took some candid pictures and memorable videos of the event. I was so touched by my friends' sweet messages and voilaaa!. The special numbers started after then :). I had my opening song; 'Fearless by Taylor Swift' wit the 'Bricks Band' and Karen, my good friend who played the electric guitar :))). 'twas my first time to sing wit the band, actually. Then, my cousin, Joy && I sang 'Telephone' by Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce using the minus one from her laptop :]. She also had her solo song number entitled 'Gift Of A Friend' by Demi Lovato :]. She has a nice voice, huh:D *runs in our blood* -laughs ;DD.
Then the band began their first set [[more than 10 songs]]. Then a dance number from my cousins [[my mom's side]], next were my former Esanians schoolmates who performed their dance number. Our hip-hop dance number with Pat & Rox was the finale, yay!! :)]]. My kuya John sang 'Your Love' wit the band and not to be outdone was my dad who had his solo song # wit 'em. And of course, what else?!. HAHA. drink it up!. don't shut it down!. HAHA. When the band played "I Got a Feeling," it really rocked the house down hahahaa!! I brought Hiromi and others infront of the band and sang with them :))) look @ our pix!. :].
Can you just imagine how much FUN we had during that night?. And OH!. HAHA. They even stayed till past 2am :))) including my parents, some friends, and my cousins!. Top that!. Michael, Pat, her guys, Rox, my kuya, and my parents stayed up 'til 4am. HAHA. we had some shots of Red Tide and other cocktail drinks. The color yellow has the lightest boom, next is green and oh my!. WTF* the red one's sooo haaaaard:))) sooo funny!. Karen got sooooooo tipsy!!!!. HAHA. and so am I. ;))). Still, I didn't really get drunk and hahaa!. what a laughin' trip!. yo!. Then, we had tons of picture perfect takings before ma'am Len, sir Allan, sir Archie, sir Emil, and sir Angelo left :
Oooops!. The party's not over yet!. Hahahahahaa!. Pat, Rox and I danced on-stage:))) just random songs from Rox's ipod. hahaa!. My mUm was the one who took our video. Check 'em out in my facebook, hmmkay?. HAHA. soo, yeah!. we got home by 5am and slept @ 'round 6am. Couldn't believe that I woke up by past 4pm - absolutely GREAT!. ---* Special THANKS to GOD, my parents, my relatives, and special people!. i love you all!. 'til next time:D ♥xoxoxo* :) :). Labels: family, girlfriends, happy, my sweet sixteenth partaaay
18 May 2010 // 9:25 PM
To our dearest "Lolo Tangkad," I hope you're happy, wherever you are. We may not see you but you'll always be in our hearts. And NO ONE can take that away from us. Our thoughts, beautiful and funny memories we had. You deserve to be happy and free; a perfect'paradise where you could live endlessly :D:D. And yeap, those words up there are dedicated to my grandpa, on my papuuuh's side. Today, 18 May '1o, is his 1st Death Anniv. We dropped by @ my lolo's crib in advance last 16 May '1o, prayed solemnly, prepared the things and food, ate and took some pictures.

Afterwards, my mUm decided to visit my tito and there we headed. We stopped by my couzins' place @ Avida Residences. My parents, my kUiAh, 'te Cor, cutiie Rhen2 and I had a sumptious lunch with them. Afterwards, we all went upstairs and talked to my couziies 'bout their own special number and 'bout mine. We practiced our song [[duet]] :))). It's really kicking me out, LMAO* :D:D. My cute adorable couz Joy has a really promising singing voice. Just give her time to grow up then a NEW star is born Hahahahaa! The day went well then we headed back to our lovely home. HAHAS* home-y. home-y me lovey:D:D Labels: 1st Death Anniv of my grandpa :|, couziies
17 May 2010 // 11:39 PM
okaaay, yeah, yeah, fineee:))) those captions mean a lot to me. HAHA especially the second one. :). Lezzz start @ the top. Well, one of my childhood buddies went over to our house wit her BFF to practice our dance number. [[they're from Manila, anyways]] HAHA. I fetched 'em in Zapote and we did tons of chitchatting then planned the STEP-UPPS when we got in our house. Hahahahahaa!. The moves are COOL, and you really hafta exert an effort, swear:))) After that, we were drenched of sweat 'cause of this effin' lovin' summer HEAT;))) I forgot some of the steps but I'm focussing on those tough moves and tryn'a work it out. I hope by Friday or Saturday I could drop by their house [[vice versa:)))]] Okay, gonna contact her again.
Hmmm...OH MY!. My mUm wants me alsoo to enroll in a ballet school 'cause I'll also be able to attend ballet classes with my childhood friend's BFF who is a ballet dancer @ Liza Macuja's dance school in Manila. Soo, yeah, of course it'll be awesome yet tirin'. As looong as i'll have fun WHY NOT!. Hahahahaa!. Plus dance club in Madocs, okay, GREATNESS!. :P :D:D. After our dance practice, we headed off to Manila and met wit Michael.
Now here's my first-time ever awful experience, though. On our way home, I didn't notice that ..... well, my cellphone was gone. It's LOST, ughh!!. Soo, now, i got the chance to use a blackberry phone. Honestly, I don't like it that much. But just the same, I'm thankful that NO HARM was done to us and I still have a spare phone to use. Hopefully, by June, I'll be able to buy the phone that I've been looonginng to have. Oh, puhleaseee. ohhaaaa:))) Gimme' gimme, LOL!!! I knowww... ;). 'twas still a GREAT day, woooo!. LOOOVE iTT:))) Labels: dance practice, Manila-love
13 May 2010 // 9:18 PM
13 May '1o [[Thursday]] ---* So here goes, yesterday, 13May '1o, my parents and I went to the place where my party will be held. The solace has 5 function rooms - Villa Estrella, Via Romana, La Veranda where they have a huge pool, Terraza & Bar where a live band performs weekly, and to top it all is their roof top deck. Wow! 'tis is so romantic & relaxing. It's really COOL! Haha. :). After a tour of that adorable place and reservation settled, we went to the school and got my other requirements for college :) Haayy, suddenly I just miss high school and my goodie chums there as well >:<
Afterwards, we headed to the mall. My mum got me a neat pair of wedge shoes, nothing fancy but only for casual wear - again:))) HAHA. Then we were up to watch the flick; 'The Last Song’. I was still mesmerized and I couldn't help but cry especially those scenes 'bout miley & her dad hahaah!. That movie’s really heart-warming and awesome. A neat 4 star, I'd say :)
With just enough time to spare, we decided to check the other boutique and my mUm bought this cute party dress for my sweet sixteenth partaaay celebration on 27May ‘1o :) Then my papuuuh decided to grab his own Tribal belt bag. So yeah, we agreed it's really cool, my dad feeling yuppie :]] Although, we wanted to stay there longer and fit the clothes that I want, we couldn’t ‘cause we were running out of time. The next spot was @ the grocery then with our purchases done, we got in our car and yeah! Thank goodness, we arrived home smoothly and safe :D
Hmmm, of course we couldn't wait any more longer, soo, we already watched the flick:))) HAHA. i'm done readin' The Last Song so i already had an idea of what the movie will bring us but just like what i said before 'i hope that the movie won't fail me'. Well, it didn't, though - the movie's awesome but i'm tellin' yah'LL, the novel by Nicholas Sparks is more astounding than the movie - it's MUCH BETTER; for short. It didn't disappoint me yet tons of thingies changed. Some scenes in the novel weren't in the movie. To enlighten you up, then, read this ---*., the first scene in the movie must not turn out like that: the way Ronnie and Blaze had met, how Will accidentally bumped into Ronnie and how her shake was splatted all over her shirt, plus! there wasn't a scenario when, in the book, Ronnie saw Marcus && Will fightin' and she stood up there 'cause the kid's crying and stopped the fight, the way she tends her father, the scene that Ronnie was scared 'cause of the Racoon [[it must not happen]] and most of all was the way the story ended. Although they hafta do the short cut thingy meaning; other scenes will be cut and at the end, they hafta change it. That's why the story in the book's better. More detailed and the original one :) :). Swear!. You got'tah read the book!. it's SUPERB!. :D. Labels: mall, movies, the last song
// 7:30 AM
Labels: novel, the last song
12 May 2010 // 12:00 AM
'In the beginning there is mystery, in the end there's confirmation, but it's in the middle where all the emotion resides to make the whole thing worthwhile.' --- Yes, that's what I thought. There's alsoo a never-ending explanation or interpretation of a song just like in real life :). Well, is there something that you think you can relate to my blog or kinda' sounds familiar, huhh?" (: HAHA. just done readin' my book - 'THE LAST SONG'. *check it out* ---*., 'cause i felt the same way too :]. I extremely cried while flipping the last 20 pages of the book: 'twas so heartwarming, full of lessons - ugh!. it's just indescribable at all:))) yet THiS AiN'T THE LAST SONG, RONNiE SAiD...WHATEVER. WHATEVER. *peace* hahaa!. know what it means?. it's just a code for:))) Hahahahaa!. you must read the book first. i could be a spoiler but choose not to. so, be glad >;))) *orrr* you might watch the flick, i just dunno if that part will be shown there. HAHA.
BTW, I LOOOVE the story. I just hope that the movie won't fail me. And, OH!. It's SHOWiNG NOW!. yeah, FREE PLUGGiN' :: May 12, 2o1o SHOWiNG - 'THE LAST SONG' :). I want to watch this flick this day but my bestfriend is loaded. soo, yeah. although I can go wit my parents I still decided to wait for her. There...see...iloveyou :). Labels: the last song
05 May 2010 // 11:27 PM
It's our day, heaven-ly yeah, of course :). CiNCO is LOOOVE. HAHA. soo, yeah. HAPPY 26th monthsary, honey!. :D:D. there it is. He just surprised me and I never had a hint:))) Okay. we went first to the hotel in Makati where his Tita is staying everytime she would come to Manila and yeap! I've finally met his youngest aunt and grandfather as well :). They're such sweet folks :). I remember 'twas last year when he introduced me to his other aunt. Actually, they're sisters of his mom. We took some pics and there... :) Afterwards, we got in their van and headed to...^^,

uh-huhhh!!. Yeah, what you see is RiGHT. we went to ABS-CBN for a tour. Our first stop was @ kulilits' corner. 'Kulilits' is one of ABS-CBN's tv shows every Saturday morning. While the tour guide was leading us going to Showtime studio, we passed by Anne Curtis' dressing room which the TG showed to us. We saw and met Priscilla, Ms Earth 2005, and she's sooo tall. Afterwards, on the way right side we saw && met Anne Curtis. She's so lovely, sweet, and stunning though she was only in a simple clothing that time. Got in Showtime studio then @News Center which is the so called 'News Patrol' && 'Bandila' are aired. Along the way, I got a chance to take a picture wit Ms. Kc Concepcion :). It just kind of suck 'cause the pix is quite maximize, the photographer should have widened the lens 'cause Ms. Kc Concepcion wrapped her left arm 'round mine. I guess, the picture above explains everything:))) Hahahahahaa!. She's adorable and sweet in person :). Then, we headed towards Asap XV, Banana Split, SNN, and Wowowee's studio. Guess what, when we went there we saw and met Ms. Congratulations and Bentong. HAHA. Take note, 'twas when we stopped by Wowowee. hahaa!. We can't go inside 'cause the plots were already full. Hmmm, maybe next time, if ever Hahaa!!! Since 'twas late in the aftie already and with our grumpy stomach, we headed back to the van and off we went to Greenhills,yayy!! My craving for food is enough for me not to turn my head back. Ahhh, not this time, LOL!!! See you again, ABS and Kapamilyas!!! I'm sure you will, too. hahaa!. Labels: abs-cbn, kc concepcion
03 May 2010 // 8:36 PM
Time flies fast, indeed, that's why we really hafta live our life to the fullest. just like me.....a girl who loves life and continuously so for [[16]] sixteeen years and praying for more, definitely :)) - raring for tons of wonderful & challenging experiences and mooore ;). hmmm, reflecting how blessed I am.
I'm really THANKFUL that God had given me a chance to explore more and continuously see how amazing the world is. Thank you for letting me stand on earth for more than a decade, for giving me such loving, caring, thoughtful, loyal, and beautiful family - especially my mUm who's always been there for me; through troubles or miseries.....through happiness and she's even a good-secret-keeper...oh, it's so funny whenever we share our cute 'lil secrets:))) it's like my mUm has the fruitiest words that you'd ever hear.
My father who's always been there for me, too, EXCEPT!!. of course, there are "girls stuffs" that I can't blab about, LOL!!!. Well, we do have the secret thingy alsoo but only to surprise my mUm and other stuff that no one else should know. If you're a dudette, you'll understand what i want to point out :]. Well, I hafta admit that, sometimes, I'm just his 'lil princess, more like a 'spoiled brat'; argh, NAAAT!!! scratch that brat word :)). It's not really that only because I would want things and other stuff, knowing that I could get whatever I want. I am still conscientious, though. I'd rather want to be productive and be thrifty as much as I can. At least, i'm patient and I know my limits, I know when to grumble and not:))) I may be overindulged by my father and sometimes, narcissism is coming on my way but again - I also need to be practical and level-headed, dang!. >;))).
-----*., soo, yeah!. here's the outline of what happened:
Well, yeah, of course it's MY BiRTHDAY. mark this; my sweet sixteenth birthday!. there it goes.....I was so touched not only ‘cause my family, my friends, and my online buddies greeted me but because my parents astounded me @ ‘round 12:30m.n. they got in my room and said ‘happy sweet sixteenth, baby’ :) – carrying the cake, red wine, and my pink camera:))) I was so GLAD and startled ‘cause I didn’t have any idea that it’ll actually happen HAHA!!. CLUELESS MUCH:))) after clicking here, flashes there and here, we uttered our goodnights and dozed off right away. And, yeah!. 'twas in the afternoon when my bestfriend, Lovie and her family stepped over our house and we almost went gaga ;))))). 'til the 'adorable GANG' came...my cutiie couziies, Joan && Joy, their parents, our lola mommy, && the other two family friends. Plus; our Uncle Nong wit his wife and their Son, Dj boy :D.
They greeted me and sang before I blew the candles and made tons of happy wishes, yaaay!. HAPPEEE BiRTHDAY to MOi!. :D. soo, yeah, after we ate, we took couple of pix and ohww!. I was startled @ the moment I saw my Tito Butch's expensive NIKON camera and thought like; 'that's for photographers - a professional one, cool!. :). After then, my bestfriend left firs so my couziies and I just walked outdoors and had a 'lil food trip. 'til 'twas time for 'em to go home.
BUT!!. uh-huhh. a BiG BUT of MiNE not yours:))) the FUN DiDN'T stop there :). Come 'tisx 3rd week of May, i'll be throwing a sweet sixteen partaaay of mine and we're busy arranging some stuff right now:D BE THERE!. DON'T MiSS iTT. ♥:) TAH.TAH!!. xoxoxo* Hanne:) Labels: birthday-love
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