24 January 2011 // 12:57 AM

Yes! I feel like jumpying-yay! Lol. Anywyas, what is the caption all about? Yah guess? :))) Hello?! Today is January 24, 2011 and it is MY MOM'S BiRTHDAY! ayt. haha! It is Monday and I had classes from 7:00am - 12:00pm HAHA! UNBELiBABOL!!. I didn't get to skip classes because I am so running for honour-roll and I am HAPPYYYYY. It's just that, a lot of sweeeet and nice thingies had happened earlier. Yeap! Although my day started kinda rough but I made it through the day. HAHA !!. So, yeah. Arrived in school SO EARLY ('twas good that we only watched a film in EviSci.), got my assignment double-checked in BusMa. (had a quiz in that subject, though T.T), we were grouped by our professor's decision in CommArts for our sort of like a thesis regarding our course. Each different courses of freshmen students @ MDC will compete for the best paper but we are going to report this orally not only in written and it is a MUST because we couldn't pass this subject without doing these stuff and it is for my midterms and finals (quiz again :'( good thing I did well), and then the last subject, Filipino (had a long quiz and guess what, I got a perfect score! YAY ME!).
'til 'twas already our dismissal time. Yahooooo! Papuuuh-love wanted to meet me @ moa to buy "Sisisg" @ Congo Grill, a bucket and mash potatoes @ KFC, DQ ice cream cake, "Kitkat Blizzard Cake," and "Novelino" (wine for mom =]). But before meeting up w him, I stayed @ Timezone w sis'ess first because I told dad that our prof. will be dismissing us by 12:30pm ='))) Actually, we were supposed to sing because we just felt like doing it but unfortunately, there was no vacant... Instead, my sis'ess played racing car and I took a video. At the same time, I grabbed the chance to greet my mothaaa a happy candles cake! Heheee* Back then, after buying those food, my dad and I got a taxi from moa until our home. Hahahahahaa! Kinda expensive huhh? :) I want this day to be fruitful, happy, and memorable for my mom's sake so I greeted her joyfully when I got in the house. I hugged her so tight... I know she misses the baby in me but inspite that I'm stubborn, kinda acting like a brat, super crazy, and nasty @ times, I will always ALWAYS be my mom's little girl. Things may change; my shape, who I am now, and a lot of things, but i'm still me. I knowww... i miss the good times, too.
Well, that's why i'm doing all my best just for her because I owe her A LOT, extremely. I will always be a good girl. Even if there were/are/will be not-so-good things on my mind, i'll assure 'em that i got 'em under my control. Sooooo....
HAPPY HAPPY BiRTHDAY MOMMA!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Stay the way you are. Let's keep in mind that NO ONE or NOTHING could break our closeness together. Let's help each other and i promise, before getting married, i'll reach our goals because your goals are what mine are. i love youuu mama *hugs-so-thight && kisses* ♥:"> :">.

~ XOXOXO♥, Pauweee
Labels: happy birthday
15 January 2011 // 9:25 PM

Labels: bar hopping, happy, shisha
01 January 2011 // 12:01 AM
First off I want to THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for the people who've been @ my side, who did not leave and backstabbed me. For all these years, my family is still the gang who are very supportive and I also thank God for having 'em in my life. I've got a lot of wishes this year; more positive and better, ofcrs! :)
First, I want to live w my parents until they see that I become a successful woman, independent daughter and of course, a responsible mother :">. In the future, I want my child to be still influenced by my parents' teachings. Learn from the masters, that's it, especially my mom o:). Second is to fulfill my career, my best ever dream. It includes a successful work. I hope to handle our family business too and @ the same time, to own a resto bar or at least a resort. I know that it is too much but knowing my capabilities and skills, I could reach those goals! =D.

We did A LOT of work preparing for New Year's eve. Haha! :) Foods and drinks flooded on our kitchen-table totally, YUM! :) :). After then, we set up the firworks until we fired 'em up :))) We've always had this tradition like lightening the fireworks w my friends and my FATHER :D That was so much FUN! Heeheee* :P This New Year's eve's just super special. I don't know why but it enlightens me. I felt so happy like I couldn't explain it. I just hope that my wishes will finally come true! ;) Oh, yeah, I was so freaking excited and ready for 2011 'til it came. Hoooraaaaay! :] Probably it became special because of the ultra mega high sounds, more like disco w matching wines and dancing inside-and-out of our house. Friggingly funny! HAHAHAHAHA !!. Took tons of wacky pictures and even videos @ our terrace, courtesy of my mom. LOL! Swear! 'Til we finished the wine. Guess what, our maid got drunked. Haha! I've been teasing her since then 'bout the guy, our neighbor :))) And so my mother fell asleep on the sofa. By 2am, I lowered the sounds because my dad didn't plan to drink too much because we have this saying like if we get so much drunk in N.Y, we'll be drunk the whole year. LOL! That's good of him, though :) good dad! Hahahahahaa! Then I decided to shut down the music and slept by past 3am :)
And YES! The whole street here's in hell. Party so hard! Yes, I missed that. THAT'S IT! I MISS THE SUPER PURE FUN AND SPECIAL MOMENTS. To my loved ones and friends. I miss y'all. Thank you so much. I will love all those who are continuously loving me too! YAYY!
date.&&.time-checked: January 1, 2011 (5:36 PM)
I heard that our neighbors are drunk and dancing @ the streets. Hahahahahaa! They look like bitches! :))) And me? I just watched "Easy A." That was given by my honey :) uh-huhh a dvd from Ayala mall in Cebu :">. How iswitss! So yeah, This year will be amazing. HAA! Gonna have my report on Monday. Shocks! :))) Wish me luck and I'll give my best shot! As long as I have my best-est accessory ever w me, i'll make it through the year... Confidence!.
~ XOXOXO♥, Pauweee ;***.
And YES! The whole street here's in hell. Party so hard! Yes, I missed that. THAT'S IT! I MISS THE SUPER PURE FUN AND SPECIAL MOMENTS. To my loved ones and friends. I miss y'all. Thank you so much. I will love all those who are continuously loving me too! YAYY!
date.&&.time-checked: January 1, 2011 (5:36 PM)
I heard that our neighbors are drunk and dancing @ the streets. Hahahahahaa! They look like bitches! :))) And me? I just watched "Easy A." That was given by my honey :) uh-huhh a dvd from Ayala mall in Cebu :">. How iswitss! So yeah, This year will be amazing. HAA! Gonna have my report on Monday. Shocks! :))) Wish me luck and I'll give my best shot! As long as I have my best-est accessory ever w me, i'll make it through the year... Confidence!.
~ XOXOXO♥, Pauweee ;***.
Labels: new year's eve 2011
// 12:00 AM
Hey y'all! I guess you know what is that for. Yeah, yeah, I welcome 2011, the year of the Rabit! Ooohh...LET'S BRING IT ON, BEYYBEEY! ='))). Happy New Year to all of us! May the year 2011 of me and my family be more fruitful, happier, better, more incredible, full of awesome surprises, LUCKiER, more fulfilling, and fantastic year! Yahoooooo!. Champagne hereee! ♥:).

Labels: new year 2011